the opening of my heart

July 08, 2005 - love pm

*** dear fellas (a referendum for Amazon)
My brother in law had a motorbike crash while i was high on an inhaled cannabis trip, i was a buffalo in a red environment, i danced in my garden, feeling powerful like a buffalo in a red environment...
The second trip on cannabis, i found ecstasy... but before i inhaled, it was like i was praying... so much i wanted to grow up, to know...
The third trip, i found what was the object of this ecstasy, the action that concerned me: the fire of liberty, the fire of love. Personal...

I wasn't smoking it, just... with the most expensive vaporizer. I'm crazy.

The first furniture has been taken away today, and i'll be with no home in 2 weeks.

My brother in law has been waking up 2 days ago.

I know today we are just falling to ecstasy, and that, it is why everything is built here, to find, to live ecstasy again. God is this experience, not the accumulation of knowledge or anything else, It's not a mountain full of wisdom, It is this snakelight when you find back this ecstasy, and it depends on your path, your own personal story, not an addition of difficult things to find... Ecstasy is the only reality, the only true truth, everything else is just mutilated reality, mutilated by our blindness... But, if there wasn't blindness, there wouldn't be light... blindness is built for ecstasy, "shadow is working for the light, but don't know it", there's only one reality... This is so fucking simple, transforms everything...

Life is here to make you live the most amazing story, the most delightful glory you could ever ever think of... even beyond this. So, just appreciate your life. The good and the bad. And go on with your stupid job, but not for ever though...

Maybe the sativa was too strong, who knows?