a middle of a night

2002-09-01 - 8:22 p.m.

***warpath of homo erectus, everything's perfectIt's 1.40 am. I was trying to sleep, but, like it happens sometimes, great thoughts, deep thoughts were popping up again in my... heart. Energy. It was an evening a bit lonely (what an uncommon feeling! so surprising...!), with a worrying about time that runs so fast... until what?... for what?... What do i miss? What was and am i supposed to do better?...

And then, i felt that time was here to run, that life was there to be lived, that it's not a matter to reach things, to build things, before to be too old to enjoy and everything, but it's to do what ever happens, that if we live until 80 for instance, the matter is not that, though we know things, we have kind of wisdom and knowledge and aptitude, it's a bit too late to really enjoy and all what we have learnt, but it's the matter that preciously we have learnt, the time was here for that, it's not a losing race, there's no race, because there's fucking no time, it doesn't exist, time is for businessmen, death is for businessmen, it was just about to grow up, consciousness, and each second of the life of each human being is perfect, cos doing this, we are here to live our lives, no rush, just a way, a path, warpath, our speed, our slowness, our own way... and nothing there has to be forgotten, there's food, there's rest, there's pleasure and beauty, there's laughter and cuteness (like kittens and all, i swear!), everything participates... It's so much just a question of balance... just to try not to let go too far the perpetual imbalance...

And so on and so on... But especially it's when i felt that the whole universe, even my sheets over me, and the loneliness feeling with my exacerbated desire in front of non-working website chat here or there (oh... i'm low!) were like my friends, in this way that Everything is there TO lead us to our Purpose, there is NO enemy, just let go, calm and peaceful... And after 80...? Don't worry, we have lives for learning, we have over there the Purpose to reach Everything again, the other hug with everything... You don't believe in heaven? the big thing above everything? You'd better, you're part of it!

There a time to let go out all the tears of your body.

There's no death.

Thoughts of a middle of a night.

Sometimes it feels good again.

Take your time to feel the pain. Pain will break the rough dirtiness of your skin in two, and make you see what you really are. Pain will do that. What will otherwise? You? The desire of your ego? This one cares only about immediate pleasure... doesn't it? and only with it, we'd be still big dumb Homo Erectus hunting and screwing like hell, right?... don't know...

I don't know.