you want me to talk about some Icelandic thing?

2002-12-02 - 1:54 p.m.

*** human hearts and everything else outside


I'm listening these days the Sigur Ros albums... The last one (()) (uh, strange...) I listened it for the first time two days ago, in a single breath, it made me cry at some point (but only 10 seconds...)... But about anything makes me cry, since... months. Anyway, it is still pretty beautiful� Icelandic bands are really good�! like The Szabotnik 15 Mission (Mum), Polydistortion (Gus Gus)� I like them�.


Need to heal�

or maybe to get used that this wound will never be closed up again� This wound has opened my heart to like a dark infinity, I feel infinity pricked in my heart, I feel I am truly nothing anymore, or everything, like some water in water, I feel perfection everywhere, nothing to think of anymore, nothing to worry about, it�s not me, not about me, not what I thought I was� how could ignorance be so strong and make things seem so real� now it�s like a dream� now it�s impossible� But I am still here, the mere candle I suppose� I guess this is only my littleness that is dying, nothing else� I guess all This is great, I guess it is so Powerful, I guess I will just have to make a mid-air back somersault into this� hah� Greatness� It�s gonna be more than alright� It�s just the guy in his dirty wet jail since 10 centuries that sees all of a sudden a hole in the wall and can look at the beach behind, the sun, the smell of the air, the brightness, the space, and wondering what� what the hell�

I guess my heart will tell me what to do� I guess there is no difference� between before and now, between human hearts and everything else outside, it�s the same, we just are what we are, and there is nothing to understand� Just the pursuit of clearness, just the hug-back� and then I don�t know� Total Beauty? I will examine the question� I need to grow up� I really do.