sex in Time

2003-01-17 - 1:03 p.m.

***belies and private viewDid you hear all the sun�s kids yelling all the time: �Why did you make me mummy? Why did you make me?� Do you remember the same kids yelling as one: �We want to return in your bellies!� Mummy, why the hell have you done this, but why the hell?! Couldn�t you help it? It�s just the sexual energy, from the furthest of the Times, neutrons were copulating, original cells were fucking in the mud, in the very first blood system cavities of the very first worm were running an implacable furious impulse to get laid, and we are the unlucky elect Aftermath. Black. Belly mummy, belly�! Take me back, mummy, swallow me, unmake me, forget me!

Don�t cry mama, all this is a dream� you know this� I just didn�t want to be dreamt. All this is blue mummy; I just didn�t want to be an eye. All is silent; but I will be no ear anymore.


I don�t know. I need to push my soul a little bit further� here, it is still complicated and unfocused.

I felt pretty yesterday evening, I felt light, it was a piece of cake to live. Amazing how I can change. I was not stressed� just, my hands were shaking a little bit, like a normal shy guy� but it was so pleasant, absolutely full of energy, like carrying by some of others. It was surprisingly nice and suiting me to be like the special one of the evening, some glances at me, some questions, some congratulations� Two journalists of the local newspaper took pictures of me, and asked me questions� ("well, yeah... /Mmh, not exactly... /What? 27. /Er... what do you mean?") They were so kind� and one seemed to like so much� I mean, all the glances and face of �Man�! Waouh�!� Oh yeah, I felt high, I felt in love� A clear stomach... it's so simple... no more questions�

At the end, my mum stared at me, and said �You are beautiful, my son!�