cats, Africa and all that

2002-09-05 - 2:32 p.m.

***the vegetal mood, the digital painIf i do have no cat here, it's on account of two problems:

the first one, me: i really don't know what is going to happen with me, where my pain and my life are going to take me, i could as well leave this house tomorrow for a 6 months trip in Africa... So what about my cat?

the second one, my father: he just doesn't want animal in his house, where though they don't come here very often, my parents.

So these are the reasons why i strangely have no kitties and no puppies or anything here. Because i love animals (especially kittens... And penguins...) like you have no idea... Animals and trees. I've always loved trees (beautiful cedars, pines, beeches...) but since i've bought a few bonsai, i'm just in love with them, i swear... I'm so damn vegetal, i'm so damn animal... amazing! The thing with that, it's the fullness you can see and feel, it's the no-end beauty of all them, their cute specificities, and over all, animals (you can take anything... a baby elephant, a grandpa manatee, a budgerigar...) are so damn funny and so loving, and... you can't think life is only shit and pain and despair when you're watching a willing and uncertain kitten... can you? I don't know who they are all, trees and animals, what the thing with them, if they are happy, if they have big problems to resolve just as us... if there is an ignorance issue that they have to overcome... I guess so... I guess they do their best, life is hard...

There's a wild cat around here, and she is slowly (3 years) become my friend. One day, i could touch her, and she was purring, and the way this happened... that was so graceful, or something...